One of the websites that I took inspiration from was Lauren Conklin's website. She's a violinist, and uses quite a minimalistic layout. She uses a large photo with her name on top, which is where I got the inspiration from. She also uses an easy to navigate menu on her website, using 5 different pages to furnish her website.

She has all of her music layed out in 3 easy columns, nice and easy to navigate too.
She also has links that go directly to her social medias, with Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and TikTok.
Her website contains her music videos as well, making all of the content she creates easy to access and all in one place.

Another website I took inspiration from is the band website of the band McFly.

In similarity to Lauren Conklin's website, McFly have their social media's linked onto the front page of the website. They have an easy to navigate menu linked onto the home page that gives the audience a view of what the website contains.

McFly have linked their music video to their newest songs on their page, linking it through YouTube, signalling to the audiences that they can find all of their music and their respective videos on their YouTube page.
They have linked in many other sections on the home page of their website, so that the viewer can scroll through and find everything that they will need/want.